Monday, November 19, 2012

Sorry for my absence, my grandmother suddenly passed away on Friday and everyone in the family were very busy. It was a very shocking scene for me when we found her in her house... is something that I can never forget. The funeral was yesterday and it was very emotive for my parents, all my aunts and uncles, all my cousins and for my sister and me. My paternal grandmother had died just four months ago and I can't believe I lost both grandmothers in the same year. Since now I have no any living grandparent but comforts me to think that none of them is alone anymore.

When a person dies, after the funeral, must spend 9 days where every night the family and friends gather to pray. At the end of prayers people drink coffee and eat some bread that the principal family offers. Some relatives and friends help bringing fresh bread, candles, flowers, coffee or small dinners sometimes. Today will be the first night to pray.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss :( Here in Venezuela we also spend 9 days of praying, it's called "novenario", we had it when my grand parents died

    1. Gracias. Si, aquí también es Novenario.

  2. Que triste :( Los abuelos siempre quedan en la nostalgia del recuerdo.
    No sabia lo de los 9 dias, siempre es interesante oir de otras tradiciones.
    Un abrazo.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Here in Japan, we spend 2 days for praying and then on the 7th day and 49th day we also spend for praying. The 49th day is very important because that's we believe when the person leaves for the heaven.

    1. Oh, interesting to know how these things works in Japan~

  4. I am sorry for your loss. In India, we spend 12 days for praying from funeral.We believe that person finally leaves home on 12th day and proceed for heaven. All the relatives and friends come to the principal home in these 12 days to offer their condolences to the family who has lost their dear one.

    1. Thanks. Ohhh, interesting! 12 days. Three days more than here.

  5. Siento mucho tu perdida, espero que tu y tu familia encuentren pronta resignación. Un beso y un abrazo grande de mi parte!!

  6. :( oh, so sad, my condolences and a big hug to u.
