Tuesday, December 11, 2012

❀ Postal Tree

Yesterday I went to the Postal Palace to send letters and I realized that the Christmas Tree is already placed *ω* Hehe also you can see that Santa and the green mailbox, every year they placed too for kids can send him their letters and ask presents ^v^

The ornaments are large images of previous years mexican christmas stamps, very creative I think.

On the sides of the tree there is a small exhibition about those christmas stamps from several years ago, and also about recent postcards (want them all!! *O*)


  1. :O que hermoso! >w< me encanta ese lugar *-* cada que visito el DF no puedo irme sin antes ir al correo!

    1. Lo sé! Es un lugar por demás hermoso! *w*b

  2. That's a nice tradition! It's interesting to see Mexican Christmas stamps from the past. For all those interested, and those like me that can not visit the Postal Palace these days :'( there's a PDF file with the history and images of those stamps at http://www.sepomex.gob.mx/festejosSPM/Documents/Navidad.pdf

    The postcards are nice, I also want them all, but I only have some from 2011 and the new ones from 2012.

    1. Seeh, yo también tengo algunas postales pero me faltan varias ^^

  3. What a nice tree!! I'm in love *-*

  4. A postal palace?! Wow, gorgeous! Such a majestic tree...
